The Bidens have a vacation residence in the quaint 1,108-person town of Rehoboth Beach

The Bidens have a vacation residence in the quaint 1,108-person town of Rehoboth Beach, Delaware. We’ll offer a glimpse inside this charming coastal community

In response to the positive 𝖘OVID-19 test results that were obtained on Wednesday, Vice President Joe Biden has chosen to isolate himself at his vacation home in Rehoboth Beach, Delaware.

In a statement that was supplied to Business Insider, Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre stated that he is having “mild symptoms” and that he “will continue to carry out all of his duties fully.”

The Bidens frequently travel to their home in the charming coastal town of Delaware, which has six bedrooms.

It is there that the Vice President enjoys spending time with his grandchildren doing activities such as riding his bike and walking along the shore.

Explore the interior of Rehoboth Beach, the place where the President and First Lady go to get away from the demanding environment of the White House. 

The Bidens on the beach in June 2022


Biden's vacation home in Rehoboth Beach, Delaware