Jimmy Butler, hιt on the head by a fan’s shoe during a promotion in China

During Jimmy Butler’s promotional tour in China, a fan accidentally hits him in the head with their sneaker. The Miami Heat superstar was injured.

As part of his offseason promotional trip, Jimmy Butler has been based in China for a considerable portion of this offseason. The superstar of the Miami Heat has, unsurprisingly, been greeted by large audiences wherever he goes.

On the other hand, the six-time All-Star was subjected to the fury of Chinese fans on Wednesday after he was hit in the head with a sneaker that was thrown at him. The man, who was 33 at the time, had no idea what had struck him, both physically and figuratively.

Butler was cheerfully signing autographs when all of a sudden, a shoe that had been thrown from the crowd smacked him right on the head:

Jimmy Butler was in Taiyuan, China to promote the Chinese sportswear business Li-Ning, which also happens to be his shoe sponsor. Butler is a professional basketball player for the Chicago Bulls.

He had no idea that his own signature shoe was going to practically knock him down when he wore it for the first time.

To be honest, the blow did not appear to cause a great deal of agony. Because it did not appear that the shoe was thrown from a very great distance, the force of the impact was quite mild. Despite this, Butler was caught entirely off guard by the event.

Even his stage security had to respond fast to the incident in order to protect him. However, Jimmy is a good sport, and immediately after getting hit in the face, he was seen laughing about it. This indicates that he took the hit in stride. Let’s simply cross our fingers and hope that sneaker was spotless.

Following the conclusion of this trip, Butler should take some time off to relax and rejuvenate in the United States. Even though training camp won’t begin in earnest for another two months, you can be sure that Butler will be back in the weight room and on the court much sooner than that.