Successful in career but unsuccessful in fatherhood: 50 Cent’s son requests $6,700 to buy 24 full hours of his time

Marquise Jackson, the son of American rapper 50 Cent, has just made a surprising announcement. Marquise proposes to pay his father $6,700 to be able to spend 24 hours alongside the renowned rapper 50 Cent.

Con trai rapper 50 Cent đề nghị trả cho cha 6.700 USD để có 24 giờ bên cha  | Báo Dân trí

Despite achieving great success in his career, rapper 50 Cent finds himself facing a poignant reality of being unsuccessful in fatherhood. Recently, his son made a heartfelt plea, requesting a staggering $6,700 in exchange for just 24 precious hours of his father’s undivided attention. This request speaks volumes about the strain in their relationship, highlighting the emotional toll that can accompany fame and fortune. It’s a stark reminder that material wealth cannot replace the irreplaceable bond between a father and his child, and underscores the importance of investing time and effort into nurturing meaningful connections, especially within the family.

Rapper 50 Cent đột ngột tuyên bố có thêm con

Rapper 50 Cent đột ngột tuyên bố có thêm con

The relationship between rapper 50 Cent and his eldest son hasn’t been smooth sailing, a fact that has been openly shared by both sides for several years now. Rapper 50 Cent once confessed, “I never knew success in my career would cost me a relationship with my firstborn son. I’ve always had issues in my relationship with Marquise.”